How to prepare for TOEFL: Guideline about 4 Sections of TOEFL

Learn the art of cracking TOEFL exam to get admission in your desired University

Most of the Universities and Selection committees ask for TOEFL or IELTS as proof of your expertise in the English Language. Yes, It gets on your nerve while thinking about how to prepare for TOEFL.

So if You are eager to go to your dream University or to Get a fully funded international Scholarship abroad.
The major part of their selection process and admission is IELTS, or TOEFL score as proof of expertise in the English Language.  

Don’t worry, We have got you covered to provide you with guidelines about 4 sections of TOEFL. 

Here is a detailed guide for TOEFL preparation in easy steps. 

So, let’s jump into it!



How to Prepare for TOEFL


1. What is TOEFL?

2. Importance of TOEFL for International Scholarships and University Admissions  

3. What is a good TOEFL score? 

4. How to prepare for TOEFL?   

5. Final Thoughts




1. What is TOEFL? 

Test of English as a Foreign Language is an internationally recognized language test that is used to examine how well you can use English in your academics or job abroad. Through this test, you can get admission to a good University as an International student by showing your progress in TOEFL which shows that you are eligible for doing tasks in English and also you can understand English.

There is four types of tests in TOEFL and each carries an equal score on the scale. It includes; 

1. Speaking test

2. Reading test

3. Listening test

4. Writing test



2. Importance of TOEFL for International Scholarships and University Admissions


The English language is an important part to get a scholarship and Admission abroad.  

Most universities in the USA, Germany, France and Canada would like to give preference to TOEFL over any other English Language test. These countries ask for TOEFL to get a study visa, work Visa or any fully funded scholarship. 

A research proves that those students who gave the TOEFL test mostly got into their desired university. 

The main reason behind this is that TOEFL sharpen your level of English according to the requirement of most universities that’s why it is prior to other tests. It also improves your English academics.  

Preparation of this test gives you a view of the atmosphere of foreign university tasks.

This test is also preferred because the checking of this test is totally fair. Through a proper AI system, test takers are selected by the human rater system to avoid bias marking and also conduct face-to-face interviews.

TOEFL can get you admission to more than10000 universities in many countries across the world. Millions of students apply for this test to pursue higher education. 



If you also want to get step by step guide about how to prepare for IELTS, So we have covered all the details here! 



3. What is a Good TOEFL score?  

We often feel like getting a good score is not possible in TOEFL. But you can achieve your desired score if you consistently practice for 1 – 2 months before your test date.  

However, In TOEFL, Each section consists of 0-30 marks with a total of 120. You need to secure ideal marks from an overall 120 score. 

Mostly, Universities ask for a minimum of 75-80 overall score while scholarships require 90 and above. So, try to make an ideal mark goal to get a good impression on the Selection committee. 



4. How to Prepare for TOEFL? 

To get the maximum score you have to know all about the TOEFL and its pattern. You should also know about how many portions this test consists of and the time limitation so you can manage this test and also prepare for this. 

Here are the details of each section and the time limitations for the TOEFL exam.  

As you know this test is divided into four major portions to your level of English in every academic aspect. 

PORTIONS: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

SCORE: Each portion has a 0-30 score and the total of all is 120.

TIME LIMIT: You have 3hr total for TOEFL and this time is divided into four sections.

Every section has a different pattern and questions to examine the particular abilities of the respective section. We have covered all 4 sections for TOEFL preparation. 

4.1. Reading 

4.2. Writing  

4.3. Listening 

4.4. Speaking  

4.5. Links on How to prepare for TOEFL




In this portion, you have given 3 to 4 paragraphs and you have given 30 to 40 questions. You have to answer the questions according to the given paragraphs. 

Questions are asked from paragraphs and you have to find answers by reading paragraphs. It is more like a comprehensive passage. 


How to improve reading skills for TOEFL preparation?

Reading is an important part while thinking about how to prepare for TOEFL 

In this portion, you have 50-74 minutes so you have to be quick to find answers and then write it. There will be 30 to 40 questions which needed to be answered but there is less time so what will you do?

  • You have to sharpen your reading skills by reading different articles on the course books, newspapers or your favourite storybook.
  • You have to do more practice so you don’t have to find difficulty in reading articles.
  • You can answer questions by understanding it and to understand you have to know the meaning of words, so where ever you see a new word try to search for its meaning.
  • Try to explore new words and increase your reading and understanding level.
  • Try to do more practice so you don’t waste time during test session.
  • Try to do those questions first which you understand completely.
  • Solve doubtful questions in the end.




4.2. How to Prepare for TOEFL in the Writing section 

Writing is an essential section while preparing for TOEFL. Your skills in writing English are tested. You have to write an essay or you can say that you have to give your views on the listening and reading test. 

This can be time-consuming because you need to brainstorm and collect ideas about previous test sections. You will be given 50 minutes and you have to write 2 essays in this section.


How to improve writing skills and what to do?

We all know that this section could be difficult Because it depends on your thought and also depends on your English writing skills so how can you manage it? 

  • You have to write about your daily routine or a summary of your day that will help you improve your writing skills.
  • Check your mistakes and try to improve every time. Your mistakes can be grammatical or you have some spelling mistakes, so try to avoid them.
  • You have to do more practice by doing exercises in the given course books.
  • To give your point of view first you have to be more thoughtful and try to put that thought on paper and try to find new words and used them in writing arguments.
  • Your arguments can be strong if you argue with some examples or with some proof, so try your best to give more examples to make your argument strong.
  • You have to be quick because you have only given 50-74 minutes and you can do that by doing practice.




4.3. Listening

This test section checks your English listening abilities because it is necessary to communicate in a foreign country. Your listening must be good enough to understand what others are saying.  

In this section, you have to listen to a recording and have to answer the questions related to that recording. You have 40 to 57 minutes to complete this test and answer the questions.  You have to solve 27 to 39 questions.  


How to improve listening skills and what to do?

Because you have to listen to answer the asked questions what will you do when you miss a part? You can follow these rituals to get the most out of it. 

  • It all depends on concentration so you have to be more focused on recording and try not to divert yourself.
  • You can sharpen your listening skills by doing practice.
  • Try to listen to native English speakers and understand the pronunciation of new words 
  • You have to listen to the recording and try to write the main point so you can remember it. 
  • You can enhance your listening through Podcasts, movies, TV shows, radio or news channels 
  • Listening can be improved by speaking English to native or non-native English speakers. 




Through the speaking section, your command in English is tested that how well you can speak English. In this test, you have to read your given task or you will listen to the task and then you have to give your opinion about it in English. You have been given almost 17 minutes for this test. In this test, you have given 4 tasks. 


How to prepare TOEFL in Speaking section? 

You have to speak without stopping or you cannot take time to think and then talk. But how can you do it?

  • It all depends on practice. If you practice speaking English you will not hesitate or will not need time to think what you want to say.
  • Your pronunciation matters in this test. So you should be careful.
  • You have to speak English in the classroom and at another place to improve your English.
  • You have to practice talking about topics from the course book. This will also sharpen your skill.
  • You can speak English fluently to improve your grammar and try to avoid grammatical mistakes.
  • You have to show confidence to get a good impression.




4.5. Links on How to prepare for TOEFL  

  • You can buy a course book on the ETS website, here is the link for course book. 
  • This example is for the listening section. You can get a view of how tasks in listening sections are given.
  • Here are the practice questions for the writing section. You can practice these questions according to the mentioned guideline. 



5. How to Register for TOEFL? 

You can register yourself online. This test is conducted by ETS so you can visit their website to register yourself for this test. Here is the link for registration.




 6. Final Thoughts   

You can ace this strengthening test by doing enough practice. TOEFL is all about getting the right direction to begin your journey. In this blog, you can find possible tips to improve each section be it Speaking, Listening, Reading or Writing.  

So, get the details and start your preparation today!


We cover everything in detail, but if you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us in the comments.


Khizar is a good man. He knows stuff. He usually spends his day discussing weather updates & supporting cats online. His blood group is pizza & his favorite singer is John wick.


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