How To Write a Study Plan

Find out the possible steps to create a scholarship-winning study plan

Without knowing about how to write study plan or research plan, getting a fully funded scholarship is not easy. 

If you are planning to study abroad for undergraduate, master’s or postgraduate studies, an effective study plan is required to get selected.  

But writing a killer study plan for scholarships does not seem easy. In this blog, we are going to explain to you all the significant points to write a study plan.  

So, let’s get straight into writing an effective study plan for scholarships!   


How to Write a Study Plan for Scholarships  

1. Why Study Plan is Important for International Scholarships? 

2. How to write a study plan

3. Mistakes to Avoid in a Study Plan

4. Important Questions while writing a Study Plan

5. Final Thoughts

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1. Why Study Plan is Important for International Scholarships?  


A Study plan is a necessary document you will need for your higher studies. It’s important because it helps students to use their time effectively & efficiently. Study-plan also plays a vital role in the self-discipline of the students who do online courses. 

Study plan for scholarships is mostly required by Chinese, German, Italian or Canadian Scholarships. Your research supervisor or professor you are approaching to get an acceptance letter could ask for a study plan too. 

A study plan helps you forecast your studies and career moves. It also makes you accountable & increases your self-determination. Putting your study plan in writing will help you see the bigger picture.

The scholarship selection board assess your discipline, determination and enthusiasm for your respective course program through a study plan for scholarships. 



2. How to Write a Study Plan? 

Writing a good study plan is all about a strategic structure of your aims and goals. You need to be simple yet motivated to showcase your future plans to the selection committee. 

We have divided the five parts of the study plan. You need to follow this sequence to have a great study plan for scholarships. 

2.1   Personal Introduction

2.2.  Academic Background

2.3.  Work experience & Academic achievements

2.4.  Career Goals

2.5.  Time Scheduling & Management


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2.1. Personal introduction

Introduce yourself in a short, precise & enthusiastic way. Write about your passions, interests & social circle in two-three sentences at the beginning of the essay. It will give the professor a general idea about your personality & professional attitude.  

You can start your introduction with any of your strengths, passion, habit, interest or about your journey. You can begin with a quotation that connects with your personality. 



2.2.  Academic Background 

A: You should write about your most advanced studies. Focus more on your recent education.  For example, if you have done Bachelors’ & you are applying for a Master’s education abroad, you must focus more on writing about your Bachelors rather than FSC & Matric.

B: Also write a short description of your previous studies before your bachelor’s.

You need to write in a smooth and connected way so that readers do not get distracted. You need to develop your own life story in a compelling way. 



2.3. Work Experience & Academic Achievements

Mostly, the selection committee check out your previous work experience. This paragraph should contain details about your previous experience. You can elaborate on any skill or expertise you gain under a specific role.  

You can write about the following things here: 

A: Write in detail about your research papers & their relevance to your future studies at the university

B: You can write about Seminars/Conferences you attended, online courses, Certificates, and short courses you ever completed. 

C: You can write short & precisely about your all academic or non-academic -extra-curricular activities 




2.4.  Career Goals

A: You need to Write about future courses & semester subjects. You must mention how the courses are important and how you are going to study them in the near future.  

B: Explain your academic & research goals in detail along with the career possibilities you want to pursue after your education.

C: Potential pathways you can take if you finish this education. Also, write about how it’s impossible to achieve these goals if you don’t follow this education.



2.5. Time Scheduling & Management:

A: Plan your course outline semester-wise within a time frame. It’s a lot more time-efficient & professional.

B: study the course bulletin & cross-check it with your time plan to ensure that you met all the requirements.


3. Mistakes to Avoid in a Study Plan  

There are still a few mistakes that students do while writing their first study plan. Following are tips for these mistakes: 

  1. Don’t take it for granted or lightly, must give it your thought and take your time with your essay, it’s very important, to work on your introduction and conclusion.
  2. Give it a  proofread with the help of an expert or consult with your professor, but don’t expect that someone will do the whole thing for you. You can take advice but it’s your essay and your life story, so you have to write it by yourself.
  3. Try to finish your essay in 850-1000 words, don’t make it very long and stretchy. Just make it precise & well-articulated.
  4. Whenever you write about your future goals or past achievements, try not to be overconfident or delusional about realities. Explain it in a realistic way by explaining how you overcome your problems.
  5. Make sure there are no mistakes related to grammar or sentence formulation.


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4. Important Questions While Writing A Study Plan 

Your study plan must have a well-structured format so that the selection board get a whole perspective while reading. It can be professional and effective by keeping these questions in mind while writing your study plan.    


4.1. Why you chose respective program/ Academic course or technology? 

This question must be answered in detail  

Explain your motivation for pursuing this specific program. The reasons why you like this program and the history you shared with this course. Don’t forget to mention if you have any job experience or you did some online courses or you have attended some seminars related to this program. 

4.2. Why do you want to study at the specific university?

Answer this question in a short but precise manner.  

Explain your intentions about choosing this university, and talk about the university from a broader perspective. Write about its cultural environment, student councils, educational achievements, and faculty members that impress you. 


4.3. Why you are not interested in pursuing this course in your home country?

Answer this question in a concise way. 

This question will allow you to explain the multicultural environment which you always wanted to experience in an educational institute. Talk about that country’s educational scholarships & grants systems. 

You can also talk about your host country’s culture & heritage which you always wanted to visit & explore. You can also mention that your country is not offering this specific course; that’s also one reason you are not staying there.


4.4. What kind of research have you done so far in this course or topic?

It’s a very important question & your study plan must answer this question in detail. 

Write about your educational background or research papers you have done on this topic. Talk about the seminars or classes or courses you have attended that are relevant to the topic. Write about the job opportunities & career moves you can do after the completion of your education.

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4.5. Tell them about your Time-Schedule & Acting plan for this course

Your Answer must be short and precise

You have to be very careful while answering this question.  Do a proper brainstorming before you answer this question.  Time scheduling means you should know exactly how much time you will stay in the country & university while pursuing this course.



5. Final Thoughts  

A study plan is an important yet tricky part of your scholarship application. A good study plan throws a good impact on the selection board. You must have a well draft study plan before starting your application process.  

The study plan should be concise, compelling, professional and well-articulated. This blog provides detailed guidelines to write a study plan for scholarships. Keep all the important tips in mind before beginning your journey.                            

We cover everything in detail, but if you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us in the comments.


Khizar is a good man. He knows stuff. He usually spends his day discussing weather updates & supporting cats online. His blood group is pizza & his favorite singer is John wick.


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