Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship 2023/2024-UPDATED!

Want to apply for a fully funded Hungary scholarship? Here is everything you want to know about the process.

The stipendium hungaricum scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships in Hungary.

Every year thousands of international students apply for it and around 5000 students get to benefit from it.

Hungaricum stipendium is available for Bachelor, Master, and PHD programs.

The application to apply for this scholarship is open now. The deadline is 15 January 2023.

This ultimate stipendium hungaricum guide will explain you everything.
It will not only solve your all queries but will also prepare you step by step.
How to apply?
which documents do you need?
what is the procedure for HEC stipendium hungaricum?

We make sure that we explain everything!

Don’t miss the list of collaborated universities & the question-answer session at the end.


Check our detailed guides about DAAD Germany scholarship,  Commonwealth scholarship,  and Chevening UK scholarship.



Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship


1. Benefits of Stipendium hungaricum

2. Eligibility criteria of Stipendium Hungaricum

3. Documents required for stipendium hungaricum scholarship

4. Which countries can get the benefit

5. Courses Stipendium offer

6. How to apply for Stipendium hungaricum scholarship

7. Deadlines of Stipendium

8. Stipendium Contact

9. Frequently asked questions

10. Collaborated Universities & institutes for stipendium Hungaricum



Check the detailed guide about Hungary study visas for Pakistan,
and   Hungary study visa for international students


1. Benefits of Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship


1.1. Benefits For Bachelors,  Masters, one tier masters & non-degree programs in stipendium hungaricum are


  1. Full Tuition fee will be covered, for all the bachelor, Master, one tier master & non-degree programs.
  2. Monthly expenses of HUF 43700 (up to103 euros) per month, will be awarded to all the scholarship holders for a whole year. It will continue till the completion of studies.
  3. A free dormitory place will be given or an Accommodation allowance of HUF 40,000 (up to 98 euros) per month, will be given for the whole scholarship period.
  4. Health insurance of HUF 65000 (up to 153 euros) per year will be given.



1.2. Benefits for PhD students in stipendium hungaricum scholarship are


  1. Full Tution fee will be covered, for all the PhD students.
  2. Monthly expenses of HUF 140,000 (up to 331 euros) for the first 4 semesters & HUF 180,000 (425 euros) per month, will be awarded to all the scholarship holders for a whole year. It will continue till the completion of PhD.
  1. A free dormitory place will be given or an Accommodation allowance of HUF 40,000 (up to 98 euros) per month, will be given for the whole scholarship period.
  2. Health insurance of HUF 65000 (up to 153 euros) per year will be given.

Students are advised to check the details of Hungary’s living expenses here.




2. Eligibility criteria for stipendium hungaricum scholarship 


  1. International students from eligible countries (like Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Bangladesh, etc) can apply for stipedium hungaricum scholarship.
  2. These scholarships are available for different programs of graduates, undergraduates, & PhD students.
    A: Bachelor’s applicant should have a 12th-grade (FSC) transcript & certificate.
    B: Master’s applicant should have a bachelor’s transcript & certificate.
    C: PhD Applicant should have a Master’s transcript & certificate.
    D: Applicants of Non-degree programs should have student status signed from their home university.

3. There is no need for IELTS, but it is still helpful. The applicant may later need it for certain universities or specific courses.
The applicant must be very good in English & should have an excellent academic record.

4. The applicants must be nominated by the responsible authorities of partner countries. (Like HEC in the case of Pakistan, University Grants Commission in India in case of India, etc )



2.1. Eligibility criteria of stipendium hungaricum scholarship for Pakistan


For Pakistani students, the eligibility criteria for hungaricum stipendium are given below by HEC (Higher education commission)

  1. Pakistan/AJK students are eligible.
  2. For bachelor’s and one-tier master’s programs, applicants should have 12 years of education. Applicant’s edge must be between 18-22  years.
  3. One-tier master’s is a six-year program equal to a master’s program. Students can apply for this program after intermediate.
  4. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree when applying to a master’s program. Applicant must under 35 years of age.
  5. Applicants must be master’s degree holders for applying for a Ph.D. degree. The age of the applicant should be below 40 years.
  6. Transcripts/degrees must attest by respected authorities like  IBBC and HEC. Remember, IBCC authority is only responsible for the attestation of metric and inter documents. Dear offices are present in Peshawar, Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and also in other cities of Pakistan. HEC office attests to bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. documents.
  7. There are no such language requirements for Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarships. IELTS and TOEFL will be helpful. Language tests are not compulsory, and students can apply without these tests.
  8. HAT test (Higher education Aptitude test) is required for Pakistani students.





3. Documents required for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship


1. Filled & signed the Application form

2. Academic documents

3. Letter of Motivation

4. Europass CV

5. English language certificate

6. Translation of the certificates & transcripts (If applicable)

7. Medical certificate

8. Acceptance of statement of application

9. Letter of Recommendation

10. Research proposal (if applicable)

11. Experience letter (If applicable)

12. Passport & Recent photograph

13. Statement of the supervisor (If applicable)



Check a detailed guide about the Italy DSU scholarship and  Italy EDISU scholarship.



3.1. Filled & signed application for Stipendium Hungaricum

 Submit your application on the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship portal. You can click on this link. 

The applicants must also fill out the form of the responsible authorities in their respective countries. (Like HEC in the case of Pakistan)



3.2. Academic documents

This includes all your certificates & academic record like

A: Bachelor’s transcript & certificate (If a student is applying for a master’s)

B: Master’s transcript & certificate (if the student is applying for Ph.D.)

C: Metric & FSC transcripts (10-12th Grade) (A level) (DMCs) and certificates (if the student is applying for Bachelor)

D: Course summary (to explain your courses & how your previous courses & studies resemble your future studies to which you are applying)


In the case of Pakistan, The above-mentioned documents must be attested by IBCC, HEC, and MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

IBCC authority is only responsible for the attestation of metric and inter documents.

Dear offices are present in Peshawar, Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and also in other cities of Pakistan.

HEC office attests to bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. documents.

Other countries need to attest their documents from the respective local ministries & authorities.



3.3. Letter of Motivation for Stipendium hungaricum scholarship


Letter of motivation is the tricky part of hungaricum stipendium scholarship. In this letter, you are asked to write about your personal and professional reasons why are you applying for the particular course & scholarship.

The maximum length of this letter is three pages, but it is advised to make it short & concise to one page.

In this stipendium hungaricum scholarship guide, we will go into detail on how you can ace a motivational letter.

Letter of Motivation must highlight three things.

1. Academic background: (Elaborate on the study & relevant internships/jobs )
2. Academic motivation: (Explain why you picked the scholarship & why you are eligible)
3. Personal interests:  (Your relevant achievements & hobbies)


Before starting the letter of motivation, Do your homework properly.
Do thorough research on your host Hungarian university,
the courses which you are applying for & the scholarship they are offering.

How to write a perfect letter of Motivation for the Hungaricum stipendium in ONE PAGE?

If you are interested in writing your LOM on one page concisely, then follow this exact method.

LOM consists of three parts.

1. Introduction (one paragraph)

2. Body (3 paragraphs)

3. Conclusion (1 paragraph)

Let’s explain these three things one by one.

1. Introduction:

Introduction is the gateway to the rest of the letter. Try to capture their interest in the first few sentences. Be original & creative.
Make it personal & full of enthusiasm.

TIP: Try to initiate a story about yourself relevant to the scholarship you are applying for & then expand it to the first paragraph of the body.


2. Body:

In the first paragraph of the body, try to tell about your relevant academic & experienced background to the course.
And your professional goals attached to the Hungary & university. Share your expectations of the scholarship.

In the 2nd paragraph be more precise & focus on the specific achievement related to the scholarship & course.

In the 3rd paragraph expand on what you are currently doing & the interesting things you look forward to.


3. Conclusion:

Tell them why you are the best candidate for this scholarship. Don’t sound needy or use pompous language instead focus on why you deserve it.
Tell them how this scholarship will help you or the future of your community.


Tips for Letter of Motivation:

  1. Don’t repeat what you have already written in your CV introduction or cover letter. Try to capture their interest in the first paragraph.
  2. Try to stick to one theme, don’t jump around ideas. Be specific.
  3. Stipendium Hungaricum administration gets thousands of motivational letters, so it is advised to not write a very lengthy letter.  It shouldn’t cross 2 pages. In fact, I will advise you to write one page.
  4. Your LOM should answer, Why do you apply for the selected program? Which of the courses offered in this program are particularly beneficial in pursuing your professional goals?
  5. Make sure your letter of motivation is well-composed. First, reflect on all the above questions, take notes, read more, and discuss with friends. Then write an outline. Then write the text.
  6. Apply an appropriate style of writing. It could be a little informal but factual. Somewhere in between academic & informal, but avoid flattery, verbose & bombast language & phrases.
  7. Do not campaign for your beliefs.
  8. Proofread the text and delete all dispensable and redundant parts. In the end, your letter of motivation should comprise not more than two pages.



3.4. Europass Cv

Europass CV can be easily made here.

The Cv must contain all the latest & relevant information about your occupation & interests.
A perfect CV must be hand signed.




3.5  English proficiency certificate


English Proficiency certificate is given by the previous universities or institutes.

It’s proof that students conduct their degrees & exams in English & the mainstream language was English.

A scanned copy form of the English proficiency certificate should be attached.




3.6. School certificate with their translation


Students should provide translations of their academic certificates. It becomes compulsory when the original document copy is not in the selected study program language or Hungarian.



3.7. Medical Certificate

Provide a Medical certificate copy of your satisfactory health condition. It is mandatory for applicants to submit a medical certificate. 

This application must submit on Tempus public foundation portal. 

Use the form which link is here.

The certificate must be signed and Issued by an authorized physician. Scholarships applicants must also take part in medical examinations.




3.8. Acceptance of Statement for Application

It is necessary for the applicant to accept the “Statement of Application”. The statement option appears in the online application after registration.




3.9. Letter of Recommendations for Stipendium Hungaricum

The applicants must provide 2-3 letters of recommendation from the previous university, (Depending upon courses).
It is advised to provide a letter of recommendation from the HOD (Head of the department or Relevant course head) who should be a Ph.D.

The referees need to write their contact details at the end of the letter. 

The letter must include an official letterhead, signature, official stamp and must be of the current date.

Ask your Referees to write about your academic achievements & discuss their confidence in you that you are fully compatible with the project or course you wish to pursue through hungaricum stipendium.




3.10. Research Proposal

The research proposal is mostly required for postdocs or Ph.D. students. (Depend upon the courses)

It asks you to write about the research project you agree upon completing with the assigned academic advisor.

Your research proposal should be a brief description of your research goals and objectives, the methods with which you wish to process that research, the outcomes you desire, the timeline and budget you have estimated, and the area of study you wish to explore.

It shall be a brief document yet explain the entire vision to the reader so that those analyzing your application could know of your objectives and grant you the scholarship if they match the program’s criteria and eligibility.

Taking help from an external party is strictly prohibited and violation in this regard could lead to your disqualification no matter how incredible your proposal is.




3.11. Experience letter

Applicant can provide an Experience letter of the previous jobs & Internships.
Try to customize the work experience letter with future studies.

Mention your job descriptions, work projects & the skills you learned through time.

The letter must be signed & verified by the Head or CEO of the company.




3.12.  Passport & recent photograph

A valid passport and a recent passport-size photograph will be needed for the scholarship portal.
The passport must have at least one year of validity period after issuance of the visa.



3.13. Statement of the Supervisor

Masters & undergraduate students don’t need it, but a Statement from the supervisor could be compulsory in some cases like PhD.





4. Which countries can apply for stipendium hungaricum scholarship

International Students from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Uganda, Turkey, etc can apply for stipendium hungaricum scholarship.

Please check the details of the rest of the countries here.




5. Courses Stipendium scholarship offer

Currently, there are hundreds of programs for international students in Hungary that are exclusively taught in English.

emember before selecting your course these programs must be supported by the cooperation agreement between Hungary and your country/region.


1) Bachelor’s Degree Studies for Stipendium Hungaricum Programme:

Fields of Humanities & Agriculture, Computer Science & IT, Social Sciences.

Economic Science, Health Science, Engineering Science, Arts, Sports Science, Teacher Training, Natural Science



2) Master’s degree Studies for Stipendium Hungaricum Programme::

Fields of Humanities & Agriculture, social sciences, and engineering sciences.

Fields like economics, natural sciences, medical Sciences, computer science and IT, sport science


3) One-Tier master’s degree for Stipendium Hungaricum Programme:

It is six years degree program started after FSc/Inter degree.
Equivalent to a master’s degree.
It includes the fields of computer science, agriculture, and humanities. It also includes engineering, economics, sport science, and Health Science.


4) Doctoral studies degree:

students can apply in any field of interest.


5) Postgraduate training programs:

These are short programs that provide professional training after a bachelor’s or master’s program.
Certificates are provided at the end and are valid with a basic diploma.
The length
of this program is 2, 3, or 4 semesters. Fields include natural science, engineering sciences, arts, social sciences 


Students can find their desired programs through the course finder of stipendium hungaricum.


Order of Study Programs

  1. Besides to choice of study programs, there is an opportunity to apply for more study programs. Each applicant has a choice to select up to two study programs with preference order. 
  2. These study Programs can be at different institutions. These programs are also at the same institutions. It depends on the choice of applicants. 
  3. Preference order is very much crucial in the application process. During the process of application, the first selection process will for first priority. 
  4. The first priority will be for first preference. The remaining places are for other students. These students have not selected the first choice of study programs. 
  5. The Chances of getting a scholarship are higher for first preference programs. Because at that time free places will available. 
  6. The Program selection depends on study mode and the preferences order. We are advising students to check the entry requirements of study programs. Take enough time to select two program choices. 
  7. We encourage applicants to increase their selection chances for scholarships. This is possible by selecting more than one program.





6. How to apply for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship


The online application for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship will open in November 2022. The deadline will end in January 2023.


6.1. How can international students apply for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship

6.2. How can Pakistani students apply for stipendium Hungaricum scholarship




6.1. How International Students Can Apply for Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarships?


Here is the step-by-step application process for Stipendium hugaricum for international students. (See the screenshot below)

  • Check the eligibility criteria and see if you belong to the Stipendium hungaricum eligible countries.
  • Find out about your responsible authority for Hungaricum stipendium. The responsible authorities of some countries are given below.



The responsible authority for Stipendium Hungaricum


University Grants Commission in India


Ministry of National Education




Federal Scholarship Board


Scholarship Secretariat


  • Students from other countries can find their responsible authorities for Stipendium hungaricum here.
  • Select your course & university here.  The details of each university are also given at the end of this blog. Students can consult from there too.
    remember these programs must be supported by the cooperation agreement between Hungary and your country/region.
  • Read and prepare the set of documents that we discussed above in detail.
  • Also, check if you have to pass any extra test or any extra eligibility criteria according to your responsible authorities.
    Like there is a HAT test in the case of Pakistani students, or authorities of some countries have certain age limits for certain degrees.
  • Apply for the scholarship application before the deadline. visit the portal. Put all your personal & academic details. Upload the documents which we discussed above.
  • After applying to the stipendium scholarship portal, Now apply to your responsible authority scholarship portal.
  • You will be able to attach the university admission later in April or MAy. You don’t need an admission letter at the time of scholarship application submission.
  • Prepare yourself for studies in September 2023.
  • If you have any questions about the application process and language of the programs,
    you can contact at email:

see the screenshot






6.2. How Pakistani Students Can Apply for HEC Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarships?

Here is the step-by-step application process for HEC Stipendium hugaricum for Pakistani students. (See the screenshot below)

  • Read & Prepare the set of documents that we discussed above in detail.
  • Select your course & university here.  The details of each university are also given at the end of this blog. Pakistani Students can consult from there too.
    Remember these programs must be supported by the cooperation agreement between Hungary and Pakistan.
  • Apply to the scholarship portal of stipendium hunagricum. Put all your details & attach all your documents (Which we discussed above.)
  • Apply online to this specific link of HEC website, select “Academic & Research Linkages” under the “Scholarship and Grant” menu in left-hand side panel of the online portal.
  • While submitting an application online at the HEC website, attach the scanned receipt of Rs 500 (non-refundable) on account of HEC online account No. 17427900133401 in HBL, Shalimar Recording Company Branch, Sector H-9, Islamabad.All payments are to be made to HEC through HBL online facility. This facility is available in all branches of Habib Bank Ltd (HBL), Pakistan.
  • Pass the HAT test. From HEC, It is compulsory for the stipendium scholarship.
  • You will be able to attach the university admission later in April or May. You don’t need an admission letter at the time of scholarship application submission.
  • Prepare yourself for studies in Hungary in September 2023.
  • If Pakistani students have questions about stipendium hungaricum application process and language of programs, they can contact here by creating a ticket.

Remember that All documents & applications must be submitted online by 11:59PM-PST (Pakistan Standard Time), Saturday 16th January 2021.

This is a big opportunity for those students who avail of scholarships. They can work as part-time students and earn money to support their families.
In future times, they can settle in Europe.

see the screenshot







7. Deadline for Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship 2023/2024


Stipendium Hungaricum scholarships are announced in October and November of every year. The procedure of this scholarship continues till January of every year.

for the year 2023, The deadline for Hungaricum stipendium scholarship is January 15, 2023.


The whole application Timeline of Stipendium hungaricum is given here.


16 January 2023 Application submission to scholarship portal (TPF) & to sending partner
28 February 2023 Technical check & nomination process
15th March 2023 Statement of the supervisor (For PhD students)
March-May 2023  Institutional admission process
15 April 2023 Submitting Medical certificate
End of June-Middle of July Notification about the selection result
July-August 2023- Visa application process Visa application process
Until 30 September Arrival in Hungary. 




8. Stipendium contact:


If anything isn’t clear in this stipendium hungaricum guide, students can contact customer service using the information provided below.

Skype: stipendiumhungaricum






9. Frequently Asked Questions about Hungary &  Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship: (FAQS)


Q: What is the age limit for a Master’s and PhD in stipendium Hungaricum scholarship for HEC? (For Pakistani students)

The maximum age limit for PhD applicants is 40 years only for full-time employees of public sector Universities, Colleges, and R&D organizations.

For the rest of the applicants of Masters/PhD, the age limit is 35 years.



Q: Is IELTS necessary for applying stipendium Hungaricum scholarship?

Technically NO, However, It depends. Candidates applying for Undergraduate programs need to provide English Proficiency Certificate.
Candidates applying for Master’s/PhD need to check the requirement of their Hungarian universities.



Q: Which test is applicable for the award of stipendium hungaricum scholarships for Pakistani students?

Pakistani students must pass the HAT test (Higher Education Aptitude Test) organized by the Education Testing Council (ETC) for the award of stipendium hungaricum scholarships.

Education Testing Council (ETC) arranges the HAT test for eligible applicants for different scholarship schemes of HEC.
ETC may arrange HAT test in January, 2021



Q: Do applicants need an admission letter from Hungary university for stipendium hungaricum scholarship?

No. They don’t need it at the time of the application deadline. Admission examinations will take place later, around April-May.



Q: What are the Job Opportunities in Hungary? 

When students travel to European countries, they have concerns about expenses and fees. 

In Hungary, students can earn 5-6 euros per hour. They can work 20 hours a week. Students can fulfill their living expenses and some part of their tuition fees.
Part-time Job opportunities are available in Hungary. These jobs are food delivery and work in restaurants.



Q: Why Should You Consider Applying to Hungarian University?

 Hungary is a safe and modern country. This country is a part of the European Union. Hungarian universities are providing high-quality education.

The visa provided by Hungary is a Schengen visa. On the behalf of this visa, you can travel to all the European countries. 



Q: How is the Lifestyle in Hungary?

After completing your education, you have a big opportunity to settle in Europe.
Those students who are planning to move to Hungary to study require a very small amount of bank statements, unlike the USA, UK, and other European countries. 



Q: Why Student Should Consider Hungary?

Students are facing problems with IELTS and TOEFL. A student studying in hungry doesn’t need IELTS or TOEFL tests. Applicants can apply through an English skill certificate (English language Certificate)





10. Available study programs and collaborated institutions for stipendium hungaricum scholarship


Hungarian higher Institutions collaborated With the Stipendium Hungaricum program. This program is available for the academic year 2023/20234 It includes almost 500 study programs. 

These programs teach in the English language. These Programs also teach in the Hungarian language. Some programs are also available in French and German languages.


Collaborated Institutions with Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship 



1) József Eötvös College

This college is a higher education institution. It played a very important role in the development sentence and cultural life of the country. 


2) Budapest Business School – University of Applied Sciences

Budapest Business School is in the heart of Europe. This university offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. 

These programs are for local and international students. This university is providing a wide range of programs.


3) Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Budapest University Of technology and Economics is a top institution in Hungary. It has a higher reputation among international students. 

This university is providing research, technological innovations, and development projects.


4) Corvinus University of Budapest

This University is a leading university in the field of business and management. It is one of the most prestigious research universities in Europe. 

This university has a total of 12,000 students with 2000 international students.


5) Dharma Gate Buddhist College

This college is offering courses related to Buddhist teaching since 1991. It doesn’t need a full commitment to Buddhism. Students expect to have open and respectful views about Buddhism. 



6) Eötvös Loránd University

This is one of the top-ranked universities in Hungary. This university is a popular educational institution among applying applicants.

The institute produced five Nobel laureates and great figures in public policy. There are 30,000 students studying at eight faculties with 3000 international students.



7) Hungarian Dance Academy 

Hungarian Dance Academy trained classical dancers. For the past 20 years, folk dance recognized as a new specialization. 



8) Hungarian University of Sports Science 

The University of Physical Education is an acknowledged university in central Europe. University dedicated to teaching students in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs. These students are both international and Hungarian nationals. 



9) John Wesley Theological College 

John Wesley’s theological college is in Budapest Hungary. It is a higher education institution since 1991. This college provides a friendly environment for both students and professors. This college provides education in social work and Environmental Protection. 



10) Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary 

This university is the 7th best in university ranking in Hungary and 2021. This university provides traditions of Protestant Christian education. The main Emphasis is on community-oriented education. More than 8000 students are studying at this university.



11) Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music 

Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music is the Music Academy in Budapest. The teaching method is the one-to-one mode in small workshops. This Academy does not train students in large numbers. That respects the needs of talented students.



12) MFA Balassi 

Hungarian universities are famous for higher-quality education. MFA -Balassi Preparatory Programs is for foreign students. These students show interest in studying at Hungarian institutions. MFA-Balassi offers a ten-month preparatory program for university studies. 



13) Óbuda University 

Obuda University is a university of engineering and applied sciences. This is 130 years old. This university is offering undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate studies.



14) Pázmány Péter Catholic University 

Pázmány Péter Catholic University is a high-quality innovation institution. This university has a good teacher-to-student ratio. This institute enhances each student’s performance. In this way, they are enabling students to interact with their teacher. This university is also providing good opportunities in the job market.



16)Semmelweis University 

Semmelweis University is the oldest university of Medical Sciences in Hungary. Professors of this university give lessons in three languages: German, English, in Hungarian. Today, 27% of healthcare professionals and 42% of doctors are this university’s graduates. 




17)University of Public Service 

University of Public Service is a think-tank in the Hungarian public service department. This university is providing education in the public administration department. This institute is a platform for undergraduate and senior civil servants.



18)University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest 

University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest is a veterinary institution in Hungary. The enrollment of students is 100, 120, and 120 students. These students are in Hungarian, German and English programs. So total of 1000 students at the veterinary school.



19)University of Debrecen 

There are 28,500 students at the University of Debrecen. It is one of the largest universities in Hungary. There are fourteen faculties with multidisciplinary programs. The number of academic staff is about 2000 and the non-academic is 5000. 



20)University of Dunaújváros 

The University of Dunaújváros has with a rapid pace in recent years. This university has launched foreign language programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students. 



21)Eszterházy Károly Catholic University 

This university is a prestigious educational institution in Hungary. This university is providing intensive research to future students. Undergraduate and graduate programs are there at this university.



22) Széchenyi István University 

There is a total of 200 study programs within different academic levels. The university provides teaching of 34 English-taught programs with 13,500 students. 



23) Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, MATE 

The Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences is a multi-discipline institution. A wide range of programs is there in different subjects.  National and international professors are teaching at this university. The number of international students is 14%. 



24)John von Neumann University 

This is the newest university in Hungary built in July 2016. The university is a collaboration of the College of Szolnok and the College of Kecskemet. This university is a center of research and innovation. Students of BSc and MSc programs can achieve their degrees. 



25)University of Miskolc 

This institution has faculties in Mechanical Engineering, Earth Sciences, and Material Sciences. This university is also offering higher-level vocational training and continuing education courses.  There is a total of 10,00 students in the university and around 600 academic staff.



You can apply for those programs which come within the framework of this scheme. 

Students can apply for those fields that come under the corporation programs. It is the corporation Hungary with the sending partner. 


If you still have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us in the comments. 

Khizar is a good man. He knows stuff. He usually spends his day discussing weather updates & supporting cats online. His blood group is pizza & his favorite singer is John wick.


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